GISHWHES is a 5-time Guinness World Record breaking scavenger hunt hosted by actor Misha Collins. It is comprised of a global community of thousands of individuals (95 countries and growing!) that “gather” for a week online once a year, form international teams, and then go out into the real world and create “art” and do acts of service the likes of which the world has never seen.
This content is captured as videos or images to memorialize the annual Gishwhes experience. Art pieces range from the touching: “Take a picture of you hugging a war veteran” or “Create a video of you visiting a children’s hospital and giving a puppet show” to the weirdly sublime: “an image of a formal tea party replete with parasols, silverware and a string quartet situated in a junkyard or garbage dump” or “a fully dressed storm trooper cleaning a pool next to a sunbather”.

On the social improvement front, we’re proud to announce we’ve broken the Guinness World Record for the most charitable Acts of Kindness (93,376!) in partnership with our affiliated non-profit Random Acts (, broken another for the most hugs worldwide (108,121!), submitted thousands of images and videos of participants: hugging war veterans, committing acts of kindness, delivering thousands of coats to homeless people, donating thousands of pints of blood, staffing hundreds of soup kitchens, providing thousands of diapers for diaper drives, and helping hundreds of victims of Hurricane Sandy.
We’re also equally proud that, among other wildly artistic items, teams submitted several hundred images of individuals fully dressed in ski gear (including skis and poles) practicing yoga in crowded yoga classes. Stunning!
The winning team last year was VaticanCameos. This year they joined Misha in Vancouver for a chartered sea plane adventure and a Viking seance. The year before that, the winning team (Badwolf)  were flown to Scotland with Misha last to stay in a Haunted Castle compliments of Gishwhes.

This year’s Hunt begins August 2nd. Registration opens in June. See our Updates Page for more details.

Gishwhes believes that “normalcy” is overrated and that true “living” can be found hidden under the rocks of community artistic creation and in acts of artistic sublime public performances. More importantly, we are all artists and have gifts for society no matter what our capabilities or talents. And most importantly, cheese is not a good sewing material.

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